Monday 02/27
The Day the Crayons Quit
*Wear your favorite colored shit with uniform bottoms.
Tuesday 02/28
The Cat in the Hat
*Wear your favorite hat.
Wednesday 03/01
Horton Hears a Who
*Perform a random act of kindness.
Thursday 03/02
Where the Wild Things Are
*Wear animal print and/or crazy and "wild" hair.
Friday 03/03
Llama Llama Red Pajama
*Wear you Pajamas. Please make sure they are school appropriate.
- Read Across America 22/23
Scan the QR Code and order your 2022-2023 Yearbook today.
- 22-23 Yearbook Order
Our playground now has a buddy bench!
Our playground now has a new feature! Over the summer, four former students, from Girl Scout Troop 10298 donated a buddy bench to our school.
The buddy bench helps students to feel less lonely at recess. When feeling in need of a friend, a student can go sit on the the buddy bench. Once noticing a classmate on the bench, our students then engage their friend to join along with them.
Thank you so much Girl Scout Troop 10298!!
- buddy bench